BlackBerry smartphones are reportedly working on their new devices that have a unique design on every year. This was stated by Chief indirectly BlackBerry Devices Unit, Ron Louks deliver news in an interview with Reuters.
"Trimming losses BlackBerry allows to take more risks and introducing a more conventional smartphones in the future," says Louks. He also added that It will be made to introduce at least one unconventional devices every year.
Besides BlackBerry executives also hinted that the new device is even under construction. plan
Not only that, this new project seems to be greeted positively by the BlackBerry wireless carrier partners. Therefore, the Canadian Manufacturers Origin confident this plan
Smartphone unique design has recently also been launched through the BlackBerry Passport, and so far the BlackBerry reported that the device was well received by the public, even sold out within hours of the launch in many retail outlets and 200,000 units sold in three days.
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