Recently, Google reportedly caught Google account users who use it for breach of deviant sexual activity that is child pornography. Gmail account belonging to the man successfully tracked by the Google registered recently. Armed with these findings, Google managed to capture the "predator" of these children to the authorities. But beyond that, the suspicion arises from the public. Whether Google will be free to peek each email user, rather than the crime control reasons.
Reporting from businessinsider, but respond to these assumptions, Google confirmed that Google does not peek your email for other crimes, and for any other reason. And if that happens, Google deem that such activities are called illegal.
Google is actively removing negative images of all services-including searches in Google Search and Gmail email service. Each no suspicious emails or search, Google immediately reported to the NCMEC (National Center for Missing The & Exploited Children) or some sort of National Foundation Center for Missing & Child Exploitation. This evidence is regularly used to track the activities of the perpetrators, and the evidence to convict criminals.
Each image categorized suspected child abuse is given a unique digital fingerprint that allows the system on Google to identify the images, including Gmail. It is important to remember that Google only uses this technology to identify images of child sexual abuse category, not the email content that may be linked to other criminal activities (eg use email to plan a theft, or smuggling goods).
Previously, it was reported that some Internet companies have worked with NCMEC to create a categorized database of images of child pornography. Each of them was given a numeric number that is unique like a fingerprint, which is known as a "hash" in the world of technology. When a Gmail or Google scans web, images in the category will appear. If Google finds one, are legally obliged to report it.
Chris Hoofnagle (director of information privacy programs at the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology), told Business Insider, that this policy does not need to create a Google user "panic". Photos of your cute baby playing around in the bath tub will not be in the database and will not be marked "hash" by Google. So email containing a picture of your child in the bath that is sent via email to your grandmother would not cause Gmail to report you to the authorities.
Similarly, this kind of search techniques can not be easily translated to other types of crime such as the search keywords such as "murder," "kill," "stolen" or "bomb."
Policies hash technology developed in the service of Google is also reportedly going to be implemented on Facebook, and Microsoft.
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