Get together with friends and family is a very pleasant thing. However, you never feel the dong when your smartphone should lend to them but you do not want any specific files that is private and only you know it may be accessed and opened by them. Here are easy ways ya so that you can hide all sorts of files in Android with or without software.
without Software
- It is very easy. You just need to create a folder on your smartphone through the My Files or other File Explorer. Then select Menu> New Folder.
- Create a folder with the prefix a dot (.), Such as "Confidential Folder".
- After that, you can simply enter the desired files such as mp3, photos, videos, and so forth.
using Software
Now, have many applications to explore storage smartphones like ES File Explorer and the like that provide similar features. Through ES File Explorer, you only need to long press the folder that you want to hide, then will appear a button with three dots icon and in it you can choose the Hide option.

Additionally, through the app QuickPic, you can also hide the desired folder by long pressing the folder, and then will appear the Hide option.

Very easy is not it? Now you can lend it to friends smartphonemu with Confidence. Good luck!
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