With the help of some of the technology industry, President Barack Obama is promoting an initiative to complement the many schools in the United States with advanced technology.
Reporting from mashable, speaking at a high school in Maryland, Obama announced on Tuesday (4/2) that there are several private technology companies that provide assistance with a total value of USD $ 750 million. Help was not only in the physical form of money, but in the form of computer assistance, tablets, software, internet access, cash and other support.
Obama previously in June 2013 said that he wants to take advantage of the ingenuity of private technology companies United States to support the education campaign.
In particular, Apple contributes iPads, MacBooks and other products, AT & T and Sprint will provide Internet access, and O'Reilly Media Autodesk will provide software, Microsoft will provide a discount for the purchase of the Windows operating system for all public schools in the United States, and provide millions of free copies of Office software, and Verizon will provide cash and computer technical support for all students in the United States. Tech companies are targeting the beneficiaries are students who have a low income parent or poor families.
The overarching goal of the Obama campaign is to bring high-speed Internet access to 99% of schools within the next five years. According to a White House email, up to now less than 30% of schools have broadband networks.
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